Only dogs....

Years fly..... for all, people & animals.... They fly too quickly....And always  are more things to remember.... fleeting moments of happiness, long times  of sadness, tears and smiles..... grief and mourning.... like a shadow on the heart....We are still here, me and my bloodhounds.... but those who You could meet before are just waiting me at the Rainbow Bridge... the bridge to the better world... I hope...\
My small mulberry bush planted when I was beginning to write this blod is just a big tree.... and dogs enjoy it's shadow in hot summer days...
We have just 5th generation of Aristos bloodhounds....And they have the same eyes, expression and habits of their ancestors,which I miss terribly.... but the show goes on, the life continues....
Last 10 years were years of the Facebook, but lately I felt the necessity to breath the air of freedom... on my private blog.... What I learned in these years? That as says an old Italialian proverb: "Fidarsi e bene, ma non fidarsi e meglio" (Trusting is good, but not- trusting is better)...You can trust only in dogs without any risk....:(

My girl Clara:


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