Summer fades....

 My boy  Florek:

Summer fades; the first cold, Northern air

Sweeps, like hatred, through still days -

The August heat now gone elsewhere,

To Southern, bird-filled coasts and bays;

Amid constricting vales of cloud,

A pale and liquid Autumn sun

That once beat down on an empty plain

And may again. And may again.....

"The apple teaches the lesson of love and faith, generosity and gratitude. Love not just between man and woman but as the driving force behind our existence and the relationships that we share with others; faith both in ourselves and in others; and generosity and trust in the understanding that a heart that is open to give and receive is both the gateway to personal happiness and fulfillment and the key that unlocks the secrets of the Otherworld. The generous apple satisfies body, mind, and spirit, and warns against miserliness, for like attracts like. What we give will be the measure of all we receive."

-   Jane Gifford, The Wisdom of Trees


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