
Showing posts from September, 2020

Maybe September / I love again / Maybe a rainbow / Will catch me then.....

 My girl Pearleen (Perlina): I have come to a still, but not a deep center,  A point outside the glittering current;  My eyes stare at the bottom of a river,  At the irregular stones, iridescent sandgrains,  My mind moves in more than one place,  In a country half-land, half-water.  I am renewed by death, thought of my death,  The dry scent of a dying garden in September,  The wind fanning the ash of a low fire.  What I love is near at hand,  Always, in earth and air." -  Theodore Roethke, The Far Field No pics today.... The weather is like in November, the skies are dark, the world is wet and dirty, all is so sad.... We begin to forget summer days.... Our future seems to be dark and sad too.... :'( [Verse 1] Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence [Verse 2] In restless dreams I walked alone Narrow

Sweet spring memories: Aristos puppies 2018


Why is summer mist romantic and autumn mist just sad?

 My girl Lorenza: Autumn is leaving its mellowness behind for its spiky, rotted stage. Don't remember summer even saying goodbye.