Indian summer loneliness....

 My girl Pearleen:

Wonderful day, warm and sunny.... Sun on my face like a delicate summer's kiss.... My ripe grapes  always give me a big satisfaction, it makes me remember that just as a little girl I was dreaming about my own garden, my secret garden, full of sunny places and shadows, full of trees and flowers.... full of fragrances and singing birds....  with playing happy children and dogs... It is a paradise for me... At last one my dream came true.... despite there are no children, only dogs and birds.... I love watch them... it is a moment of's time to enjoy the life that passes away  so quickly... When I go slowly with nmy camera to take again some pics of the sunset, I pray and I think about my loved ones, who are over the rainbow.... Can they watch sunsets there? May be there is another  different sun.....I love them again and I miss them..... I feel them near me.... but I again feel a big loneliness when I watch something beautiful.... because there is nobody I can say "Look, how beautiful".....


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