The cold Autumn rain... .the world is crying and missing the sweet summertime....

 My boy Bertie: 

the air is different today
the wind sings with a new tone
sighing of changes
the harvest gathered
a flower, a nut
some mead, and bread
a candle and a prayer
returning the fruits
in thanksgiving
to the grove
and receiving
it's blessing

Dark skies and cold rain...It wasn't possible to take any pics.... My dogs didn't want to stay in the garden... The time of sweet dreams near fireplace is just here...
I miss long summer evening, the smell of grass and pines...I miss summer sun and summer breeze on my face....I miss my youth....
So I'd like to put some positive pics.... I found some photos taken during my trip on dunes: 15.08.2017...

Sunday prayer:

Most High, glorious God,

enlighten the darkness of my heart

and give me

true faith,

certain hope,

and perfect charity,

sense and knowledge,

Lord, that I may carry out

Your holy and true command...

(St. Francis of Assisi)


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