My little world

 My furbabies: Lorenza & Robinson:

This is my little world.... 100 meters from my cottage, made every day with crutches, the distance that now seems to be a marathon.... This small place, where the forest ends...Every day the same, every day  different... it changes every day and every day I find something new, something different, something worth to remember.... and I try to take pics of all these changes.... every day is different, every day is worth to live.... despite a pain, despite a rain, despite the sadness....May be one day I will have no force to make this small distance, may be one day I will have no force to continue, no will to live.... so may pics- may be- will be witnesses of all my life, all tentatives to find something beautiful, something positive and share it with other people.... my friends, my loves, and all sad people who need something to lift them up.... I hope that you, who are reading these words find it something positive.... God bless us, everyone....


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